Emergency Profile

You and your family are safe in emergencies with HealthTag. Add your emergency contacts and main info like your blood type and any chronic diseases to avoid any medical errors.

Keeps you safe and sound

For your safety, we keep your life-saving info accessible through QR code for healthcare professionals and paramedics.

Emergency contacts

Add your beloved ones to HealthTag to save you in emergencies or when needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between digital and physical HealthTag?

All HealthTag values are available on both versions except the emergency card is only available on physical subscriptions.

How to show my records in an emergency?

By scanning the QR code, you can view your main health info as your blood type or any chronic diseases.

How my health records are saved in digital HealthTag?

All records are saved in the cloud and it’s linked to your HealthTag to easily access your information.

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